Finally able to comfortably use the rangefinder patch for macro photography!

As a rangefinder enthusiast, I've always dreamed of using a rangefinder optical viewfinder to shoot macro shots of products. After all, the world seen through an optical window is completely different from that on a screen. If it were the old Leica Visoflex system that turned a rangefinder into an SLR, it wouldn't have the true rangefinder feel.
Until I discovered the Auto-Up close-up lens that Canon launched in the mid-20th century. Even today, you can get one for just a hundred bucks on eBay and use it perfectly with rangefinder focusing for macro photography!
After unboxing the shabby parcel and attaching it to the Canon Serenar 85 F2, in that moment, I instantly transformed into an emotionless macro artillery. The objects that I previously had to cautiously approach from over a meter away... I can now shoot right up close!
Focus the rangefinder patch! Frame it in the viewfinder! Click! I have to say, shooting macro with a rangefinder is really unique. After all, who wouldn't want to align the rangefinder patch at a distance of 20cm?
From pictures 7 to 15, I've included some test shots. Looking forward to capturing some fun stuff during the holidays.