Refund Policy

  1. Refunds will not be allowed for products that are free from obvious incomplete or functional issues, as unpacked or used products cannot be resold.
  2. If a refund is requested due to personal preference and the products are unused, you may choose to receive a refund. However, you will be responsible for paying the return freight to China as well as the freight sent by Winmix. Generally, a deduction of $20 USD will be applied to the refunded amount.
  3. If you reject the refund without communication or valid reasons, a deduction of $40 USD will be made from the refund payment.
  4. All return products must be packed securely to ensure the products and packaging remain in good condition.
  5. Once the returned products arrive in China, we will inspect them to determine their condition. If any damage or potentially damaging situations are identified, we reserve the right to deduct a portion of the refund payment or refuse the refund entirely. In most cases, we can provide a video of the unpacking process as evidence.
  6. Refunds will be processed within 7 days after receiving the products and confirming their good condition. If there are no issues, the refund will be promptly carried out.